Testing AI

One of the things I’m often asked to do is test out to technology/tools and report back to one or many people about its effectiveness. I’ll be writing a bit more about technology topics soon and will share this with people who have indicated interest in these sort of updates. For now, I’m going to test ChatGPT 3.5 and Claude. I’ll use the same sort of prompt for each one, so you understand how it works and then we look at each of the results.

This is the prompt used in the two services: ChatGPT 3.5 and Claude:

Please write an intro on how best to explain the benefits of large language models and how a person can use them in a professional office setting giving 10 examples. Please write this in an explain like "I'm five years old" fashion.

Result from ChatGPT 3.5

Alright, imagine you have a super smart friend who knows everything about everything. They can help you with all sorts of things like answering questions, writing stories, or even doing your homework. Well, large language models are like those super smart friends, but they’re actually computer programs that can talk and write like humans.

Now, in a professional office setting, which is like a grown-up’s school for work, these big computer friends can be incredibly helpful. They make work easier, faster, and better in many ways. Let me explain it to you in a simple way, like you’re five years old.

  1. Writing Reports: These computer friends can help you write important papers and reports. You tell them what you want, and they can make it sound super smart.
  2. Answering Emails: They’re excellent at helping you write emails, so you can communicate with your coworkers and boss more easily.
  3. Research: You can ask them questions, and they find information from the whole internet, just like magic.
  4. Spelling and Grammar: They’re like super spell-checkers. They make sure your writing looks perfect, so you don’t make any embarrassing mistakes.
  5. Translations: If you need to talk with someone who speaks a different language, these computer friends can help translate what you want to say.
  6. Brainstorming Ideas: They can come up with creative ideas for projects, like thinking up new games to play or new things to make at your job.
  7. Summarizing: Large language models can read long, boring documents and turn them into short and easy-to-understand summaries.
  8. Organization: They can help you make to-do lists and schedules, so you don’t forget important tasks.
  9. Learning New Stuff: You can use them to learn new things by asking them questions. They know a lot, like all the books in the world combined.
  10. Making Presentations: They can help you make cool slides with pictures and words, so you can show your ideas to your coworkers.

So, in your office, these computer friends are like having a super smart assistant who’s always ready to help with your work. They save you time and make sure you do your job really well. That’s why people love using them in a professional setting!

Result from Claude

Here is a kid-friendly introduction to large language models and how to use them in an office:

Big robot brains can help grownups with their work. They are really good at understanding words and finding information. Here are 10 ways the big robot brains can help:

  1. Reading emails – The big brain can read your emails and tell you what they are about so you don’t have to read them all.
  2. Scheduling meetings – Just tell the big brain who you want to meet with and when and it can schedule the meeting for you.
  3. Finding documents – If you need a certain document or report, you can ask the big brain to search and find it for you.
  4. Writing emails – You can tell the big brain what you want to say in an email and it will write it for you.
  5. Answering questions – The big brain knows lots of information so you can ask it questions and it will give you the answer.
  6. Taking notes – During long meetings, the big brain can listen and take notes for you so you don’t have to.
  7. Doing research – If you need to research something for work, the big brain can find all the information much faster.
  8. Translating languages – It can translate languages so you can communicate with people who speak other languages.
  9. Summarizing reports – You can have it read long reports and summarize the key points for you.
  10. Automating tasks – The big brain can be taught to do repetitive tasks automatically to save you time.

So the big robot brains can help grownups get work done faster! They are your new superhero sidekicks!


I used a very generic prompt, so it would create an output easy to read and assist my new readers, and potentially some of the longtime readers with a bit of understanding on just what these tools can do. I have not gotten into what they cannot do, how to properly address them and get the information you want, or where they seriously lack efficiency.

You’ll notice that each one was able to count the proper number in the request, and also explain these concepts in a very easy to understand fashion. This is where the systems excel. I’ll jump into more of these examples and how we might be able to use these in the future to automate work and personal tasks. I believe that tools like these can radically simplify what is normally thought of as advanced analysis of data and speed up the whole idea of getting things done!






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