
This is the personal website of Bill Dotson, and a jumping off point for most of my other sites and interests. You probably arrived here because of an old link and I’ve reformatted everything for 2023 and beyond. Feel free to reach out to me with the contact information shown below or you can jump into some of the personal thoughts in the articles written on this site.


Bill owns Rocker, a technology and coaching firm.

He started his first tech company at age 22 shortly after returning to the US from a teaching engagement in Japan. It was in Japan and in the first few years of his business that Bill decided he enjoyed teaching and traveling. The University of KY asked him to teach e-commerce around the same time associations and companies asked him to bring their members and employees up to speed on the expectations of modern buyers. He’s been speaking to audiences ever since.

Bill sold the first company after spending a week at MIT in the Entrepreneur Development Program. It was time to move on and into the next company.

He bought one of his client’s businesses with a new business partner, turned the operation around, and sold it in 2015. They started Rocker and focus on technology risk management, consulting, and speaking about using tech to grow & simplify businesses.

In 2021, Bill became a Value Builder Advisor and helps business owners increase the value of their companies so it can operate without them. The Value Builder program is built on the principles in the book “Built to Sell”, by John Warrilow.

At Rocker, Bill helps individuals and organizations achieve goals using technology and creative business processes. You can stay in touch with Bill on Twitter @bdotson or LinkedIn.